Words, transformation & wellbeing for freelancers and consultants
/“The unknown is the only place where you can create - you cannot create anything new from the known”
Dr. Joe Dispenza
When events occur the ground beneath us shifts, it is an uneasy feeling and many of us in the last year have had to respond to wave after wave of unknowns, find new ways of working, create opportunities and balance home life… dare I even mention homeschooling?!
Systems and routines we depended on are no longer ‘functioning' in the way they once did - they haven’t disappeared they have changed but they supported us in our way of life, our plans and aims. Our livelihoods.
We can decide at any moment in time when to move with change, and hard as it may be, change - the kind we want! - begins with a single thought.
For change to be possible we need awareness around patterns in our thoughts.
Self-talk is my numero uno go-to in client sessions when they are keen to get out of a pickle. The words you mutter to yourself audibly or in your mind have an incremental influence on your beliefs, patterns, actions, habits... ultimately your destination.
As the saying goes “where attention goes, energy flows".
Here are a few classic remarks that cycle through those spinning wheels…
"This is XYZ fault"
“If this hadn’t happened then I would be OK”
“This always happens to me”
"I cannot find a solution"
"I will never succeed unless XYZ (insert the condition)"
How many times a day do you do this?
Try keeping a tally on your desk for just a few hours, or a day.
Even casual mind talk, if we subtly berate ourselves here and there, over time will direct our decisions, actions and outcome.
Creating greater awareness around our thoughts and for thoughts to be resonant with the desired outcome supports the incremental changes we want.
Quality thoughts rich in kindness, that support a neutral or positive feeling and behaviour, have a profound effect on our habits and the discernment that we bring to our decision making.
Start simple.
Every time you catch yourself berating or doubting acknowledge the thought. Allow-it to be there without judgement of good or bad. A tall order, I get it!
If something doesn’t go the way we want instead of providing a body of evidence for your inner critic committee, disrupt it, take a breathe and ask:
'is this really true?' or simply ‘Cancel, cancel, cancel’
It is enough to create awareness of when you are doing this. Repeat the question 'is this really true?' 2-3 times, or more if necessary.
Enquiry is wonderful way to neutralise and disrupt the inner “labelling.”
You may be surprised how many times a day you do this?
To relearn and disrupt a pattern, a well-trodden path of behaviour is to bring about change.
What nourishing thoughts will serve you? Back you, bolster you?
Words carry power and so often we share our best quips and supportive one-liners for friends & colleagues.
The exercise is about letting go of a pattern that is holding you back, stalling change and transformation in your work and personal life.
Words are powerful conductors of change. Wield your tools with grace, discernment & kindness, beginning with you.
Warmest wishes,
Adele @ Concept To Creation