All organisations rely on their teams to deliver their objectives; this makes human resource development a key issue for them. We can help with management, leadership, capacity and provisioning planning and development.
Human Resource Development
Achievement of strategic goals is a key objective for most organisations who want to grow their business. Consult Yorkshire can help you to achieve these.
In the CIPD survey ‘A barometer of HR trends and prospects 2013’, organisations reported a lack of necessary specialist or technical skills. This makes it difficult to fill vacancies particularly for senior managers and directors.
The CIPD survey reports nearly three-quarters of organisations in England feel they have a deficit of management and leadership skills.
- senior managers lack these skills in two thirds of organisations
- line managers and supervisors lack these skills in 85% of organisations
We speak to many organisations who tell us about similar Human Resource Development ( HRD) challenges. The top HRD concerns for 2013 that we hear are:
Management and Leadership Development
All levels of managers need skills to improve performance. How do you develop all managers with reduced capacity and budgets? There are a number of ways you can do this, ranging from:
- building basic skills to a refresh of thinking
- fine tuning leadership skills to think in a more strategic way
- looking beyond operational issues
We can help you to assess development needs, design programmes and deliver a management and leadership development programme.
Building Capacity
Reduced Budgets leads to changes in resourcing. We can support you in many areas, such as building capacity, process improvement, performance management, and business planning, all aligned to business strategy. We can work with your in-house resources to build capacity and make the best use of their time to prepare the workforce for tomorrow’s skills demand.
Organisational Development helps to provision knowledge and skills development for strategic and frontline staff but cannot deliver everything. We can help you with
- provisioning for skills gaps
- work with in-house resources to gather information and strategic metrics to inform decisions
- select and analyse metrics for evaluation
- help you with big data analytics
Consult Yorkshire’s business development consultants provide a full range of learning and development services from facilitation through to bespoke design, programme delivery, coaching, and business improvement such as Lean 6 sigma. We offer access to a variety of Apprenticeships and qualifications including leadership and management.
If you would like to talk to us about the ways we can help you to improve performance and achieve strategic goals then please visit our contact us page and get in touch. We will be delighted to help.