The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as: ‘The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably’. We think there is a clearer definition than this:
- Understanding what products/services your customers need
- Making sure you have the right products/service at the right price
- Having the right channels – giving customers a way to buy your products or use your services
- Promoting your products/services to actual and potential customers
- (and doing all of this better than your competition)
Getting marketing right can make a huge difference to the success of an organisation. Of course, getting it wrong can waste a lot of money, and many organisations dip into some marketing without a clear plan of what they need to do, how the marketing will support their strategy and how they will measure whether it’s working or not.
Working with a professional marketing consultant can help make sure you maximise the likelihood of success and minimise wastage on campaigns that don’t work.
Our marketing consultants can help you with:
- Defining your marketing strategy and building a marketing campaign for you to execute.
- Researching your customers and prospects, understanding their needs and converting that knowledge into new products, new services and better ways to market to them.
- Working with you to develop your marketing function and your marketing department structure, getting the best out of the marketing resources you already have.
- Providing direct marketing advice regarding which elements of the marketing mix are most appropriate for you and which marketing communications to use, covering all aspects such as public relations (PR), social media, advertising, product marketing, exhibitions, direct mail, email, online etc.
- Provide direct marketing services and support, actually implementing what has been agreed.
There are many ways in which we can work with you. You might have a specific marketing project in mind and want someone to lead it; you might have an inexperienced marketing team and want a part-time marketing manager and director to just work a few days a month, getting all of their experience for a fraction of the cost of a full-time employment; you might have a gap while you recruit a marketing manager or director and want an interim to maintain progress; or you might want a marketing expert to actually run your social media, do some PR, manage your SEO or organise a direct mail campaign.
If you would like to talk to us about the ways we can work with you to then please visit our contact us page and get in touch. We will be delighted to help.