Sales/selling is presented as a complicated and difficult business activity. In fact, it’s one of the simplest aspects of business because it relies entirely on nothing more than this:
- A communication between 2 or more human beings.
- Two parties having at least one thing that the other wants/needs/would like.
- A perceived fair and mutually beneficial exchange of goods or services, for payment
Getting your selling right will make a huge difference to the success of an organisation. The generation of opportunities to sell is very costly. Today, many claim to do this ‘free’ via social media platforms; of course they’re ignoring the value of the significant time this takes.
Each sales expert at Consult Yorkshire can provide good references about their ability to sell and teach others how to sell; every one of our experts has been there and done it. In fact, they’re still doing it!
Working with a Consult Yorkshire sales expert, you’ll develop a complete sales strategy, review process and customer management system. This will make sure you maximise the likelihood of success and minimise wasted time, money & effort.
Our sales professionals can help you with:
- Defining your ideal prospects and establishing where & who they are.
- Developing your initial approach to each prospect.
- Structuring a sales call for successful results every time.
- Developing excellent questioning skills and learning to read the ‘stand-out’ non-verbal signals your prospects will send you.
- Understanding why no-one (other than you!) will be interested in your product or service and how knowing this will help you to achieve a sale to every prospect.
- Getting your sales recruitment right 100% of the time.
There are many ways in which you can choose to engage a Consult Yorkshire sales expert.
You might have a specific sales project in mind and want someone to lead it; you might have an inexperienced sales team and want to provide sales skills training or a part-time sales manager; this opens the door to invaluable experience for a fraction of the cost of full-time employment; you might want an expert interim sales Director/Manager prior to employing your first one.
WHATEVER your sales issue is that’s holding back business growth a Consult Yorkshire Expert IS YOUR SOLUTION.
If you would like to talk to us about the ways we can work with you to then please contact us now! We will be delighted to help.